Sunday, October 9, 2011

Double Journal Entry #7

QUOTE: “Researchers find that reading for understanding online requires the same skills as offline reading, including using prior knowledge and making predictions, plus a set of additional critical-thinking skills that reflect the open-ended, continually changing online context (David).”
REACTION: This peaks my curiosity about integrating the digital world into the print world of learning. I wondered if reading online was inferior in any way to reading print. I would like to delve deeper into research to understand online comprehension versus print comprehension. Though David indicates in her article that the same skill sets are required, it would seem that some students might respond better to one medium or the other depending on their learning style. I did find a good article written by Julie Coiro that explores reading comprehension and new literacies (see Related Topics below).  The first time I visited a rather large public library I was overwhelmed by the resources available. However, it pales now compared to the information available on the internet.  I have found it challenging to sift through pages of search engine results to try and identify credible and reliable sources.  I am of the opinion that it would make for a good class project to create a directory with a rating system of media sources. I imagine a rubric could be developed to serve as a guide for categorizing an rating sources that would be accepted into the directory.
David, Jane L. "Teaching Media Literacy." Educational Leadership 66.6 Mar. (2009): 84-86. Web. 9 Oct. 2011. <>.

Related Topics
Coiro, Julie. “Reading comprehension on the Internet: Expanding our understanding of reading          comprehension to encompass new literacies” [Exploring Literacy on the Internet department]. The Reading Teacher, 56(6). Mar. (2003).  Web. 9 Oct. 2011. <>

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