Thursday, October 13, 2011

Web 2.0 Tools

A great application to use in business education is JUX, a drag and drop-based Web creator. This tool would be useful to use in a marketing class that requires students to create a Web page to promote a product or service. Students could also be assigned to create Web pages for school events and student organizations. What might be fun is to have students create a Web page to promote a product using a Voki as a featured celebrity spokesperson. Before implementing the assignment, school policies would need to be researched regarding use of technology in the classroom. Students would need to follow proper procedures regarding use of copyright material. (I would prefer that all their work be orginal for this assignment to stimulate creativity.) Students would benefit from being given examples of what is appropriate and not appropriate. For example, promoting a new flavor of ice cream is appropriate; promoting weapons is not. As a safeguard, it should be a requirement that Web pages need to be approved by the teacher before going live on the Web. Other considerations would be the availability of computers, internet access, and any limitations on the school's digital capacity.

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