Thursday, October 27, 2011

Website Evaluation

Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

Who is the source of the information?
  • Has someone taken responsibility for the content of this Web site?
Yes, address concerns to Lyle Zapato.
  • Is information about the author or organization clearly stated?
It claims to be affiliated with Kelvinic University branch of the Wild Haggis Conservation Society.
Lyle Zapato appears as a legitimate book author on, Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie.
  • Are there any links to in-depth information about the author or organization? A search of Lyle Zapato leads to numerous fictitious sites, including Zapato Productions Interdimensional, with the tag line “Serving the Paranoid Since 1997.”
There are many links leading to other conservation organizations, and Kelvinic University.
  • Can you contact the company or author through a real world postal address or phone number?
No phone. May send e-mail to Lyle Zapato.
  • Can you confirm that the company or author is a credible, authoritative source of information?
No. It is not a credible source. The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is fictitious. This site and that of Kelvinic University are hoaxes.
  • Can you verify the authority of any of the site's content that is attributed to other sources?
What are you getting?
  • Is the information biased in any way?
Yes. It is fictitious and much of it ridiculous.
  • Does the site rely on loaded language or broad, unsubstantiated statements?
  • Is emotion used as a means of persuasion?
  • Does the site offer more than one viewpoint?
  • Are there links to other or alternative viewpoints?
  • Does the site's information seem thorough and well organized?
  • Does the site clearly state the topics that it intends to address?
  • Does it follow through on the information it has promised?
Yes. You may download a free box pattern of a Trick-or-Treat box for the Tree Octopus.
  • Does the information seem complete and consistent?
  • Is the information well written and easy to understand?
  • Does the Web site offer a list of further in-depth resources or links to such resources?
Yes,  but they are not credible.
  • What's the copyright status of material found on the site?
No copyright.
When was the site created?
  • Is a reference date provided to show when the material was put online, or when it was last updated?
Created 3-8-1998. Updated  10-20-2011.
  • Do the links work?
No. The link for the Ethical Treatment of Pumpkins led to the Facebook Login page.
Where does the URL orignate from? A search on indicates that the registration for the Tree Ocotopus domain name has expired. However, is still live. (Another site created by Lyle Zapato)

The site is colorful and well constructed. It claims to be affiliated with conservation groups that give it credibility at a first glance. It lists media tab, FAQ's, Sightings, and offers terminology that looks official. There is a tab for a promotion for tree octopus kit.
The site is created by an individual and not on behalf of any organization. Upon further reading, many of the claims are so ridiculous that one can infer that the tree octopus is a fabrication.

This is definitely not a site appropriate for elementary and middle school students as some of the links lead to sites whose content may not be suitable for students ten and under.

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