Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reflections on new learning experiences

Our class used two new techniques for teaching with technology. We used Poll Everywhere to become more acquainted with one another by submitting questions. Each of us then took the responses and created a Wordle, a kind of picturesque representation of the answers.

One of the ways to use Poll Everywhere in business education classes is to teach the concept of polling and sampling used in marketing and business statistics. The website, Free Technology for Teachers offers a few good ideas on how to use Poll Everywhere. One of the suggestions is "to see the most and least common responses to an open-ended question" which would be a great way to introduce business statistics.

As I imagine it , students would create questions, then based on the number of questions submitted, calculate whether the sampling was a good one or not and whether the responses were satisfactory for gathering data. The answers would be analyzed and categorized to create statistics from the polling.

These activities would meet Standard 1 of ISTE Nets-T in a number of ways: 1) Engage students in real world issues by encouraging them to create poll questions relevant to a business environment which would require thinking (what do we need to know) and planning (what is the best way to ask a question to get a meaningful response) ; 2) Teach students how to use digital tools and resources to gather information by creating and administering a poll; 3) Assess whether students grasped the concepts of polling and sampling and use of statistics by the outcomes.

1 comment:

  1. Your idea for using polleverywhere for marketing and business statistics is top notch! Hopefully, you will be able to share this with me some day!
    Mary Jo
