Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Analyzing Images in Media

Photo 1
Photo in the New York Daily News: Tuesday June 15, 2010. Article Title:White House: Obama ready to seize claims process.
White House: Obama ready to seize claims process.

In the picture, President Obama appears confident, energetic, and is leading a group of people. He is in business casual as is the rest of the entourage. He is seen in this photo as engaged, and taking an interest in the oil spill. The photographer captured an image that is positive and inspiring.

Photo 2
This second photo dipicts the president in a somber mood. He looks as though he has had a lack of sleep, is unshaven, and is contemplating a question or information he has received. He again is in casual business attire and in an office setting. He may be speaking with reporters or meeting with advisors. He does not happy, engaged, or in control as he appeared in the photo above. This photo projects an air of uncertainty and is not positive.
Photo in the Washington Post Tuesday June 15, 2010

Caption: President Barack Obama is briefed on the BP oil spill relief efforts in the Gulf

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