Thursday, November 3, 2011

About Wikipedia

a. What is Wikipedia? 
An online open source directory with a purpose of being a vast collection of human knowledge.
b. How would you answer the question posed in this piece “How reliable can a source be when anyone can edit it?”
The reliability is questionable with non-experts able to cite opinions rather than facts.
c. Who do the creators of Wikipedia place their trust in when it comes to weeding out misinformation? 
The creators place their trust in wiki users to put information through a vetting process. They trust that most contributors are genuine in wanting to provide accurate information.
d. Why did founder Larry Sanger leave Wikipedia? 
Philosophical differences about how the information in Wikipedia should be reviewed or monitored. (additional source used:
e. What would abuse or vandalism look like on a Wikipedia page? 
Text edits to a site that someone else authored; removing sections without an explanation; adding material without citations; making claims that are not supported by facts or links to experts; nonsense material.
f. What do the statistics quoted in the third paragraph of this piece reveal? 
The Virginia Tech tragedy is an example of how people can collaborate to provide information. The entry continued to evolve as more information became available and facts were revealed.
g. Why do you think Wikipedia is so successful? 
It engages people and allows them to contribute knowledge in real time. It is a forum for people who have a passion about a particular topic or about knowledge in general.
h. Why might Wikipedia’s creators not want to accept advertising? 
Advertising would influence the content. This is the same reason that newspapers publishers require that the editorial department operate autonomously from the advertsing department. The purpose is to provide information without bias.
i. How does Wikiscanner help increase the reliability of Wikipedia entries?
It identifies who is behind edits so one can infer whether the edits are made with a bias or not.

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