Monday, August 29, 2011

DOUBLE JOURNAL ENTRY #1:  Digital Knowledge is Power

        Quote: "The new classroom should teach the huge array of complex skills that come under the heading of digital literacy. And it should make students accountable on the Web, where they should regularly be aiming, from grade-school on, to contribute to a wide range of wiki projects." (Heffernan)
        Reaction: Peter Drucker, known as the father of modern management, in the 1950's predicted that the job market would eventually move into a knowledge era; without a doubt we have arrived. Many jobs of the future will depend on an individual's ability to use technology effectively and efficiently to make sound decisions and to take calculated risks. Multinational companies have become more prevalent and require employees to be able to work collaboratively using means such as Webcasting, podcasting, Skype, smartphones, computers, and technology that hasn't even yet been created. What we need to do in the classrooms is teach students to become so knowledgeable about technology that it becomes second nature for them to use it on the job and in their personal lives. However, we can never overlook the importance of people skills; the challenge will be to teach students how to communicate with others digitally and convey the message in a meaningful way.
        Dr. Mark Bailey, Pacific University Oregon, has compiled a list of online digital media resources geared toward different grade levels. I particularly like the listings under the subtitles: Lesson Ideas by Grade Level; Using Media in Classrooms; and Digital Media for Language Learning. (Bailey)

Bailey, Dr., Mark. "Mark Bailey - Digital Media in the Classroom." Index of Professional Resources: Digital Media in the Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2011.
Heffernan, Virginia. "Editorials, Columns, Op-Ed, Letters, Opinionator and More Opinion - The New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2011.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hello. I reside in Marion County, West Virginia and am majoring in business education. Education can level the playing field for individuals from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. I would love to create a project based learning environment for students 7 -12 grades that develops leadership, entrepreneurism, and creative exploration. I envision a partnership with a college, technical school or university to allow students to earn college credits their junior and senior years in high school. I see students learning to be highly proficient with technology and prepared for higher learning, yet equipped with lifeskills necessary to step out into the world on their own and be self-sufficient.